Welcome to the JReviews for WordPress Demo!

JReviews is best directory, reviews and ratings component for WordPress

Administrator Access: go to the administration page and use access: demoadmin/demoadmin

Front-end Access: use access: demo/demo

The site runs Wordpress 5 + JReviews, the MapsPro Add-on, PaidListings, the WidgetFactory Add-on, the ListingResources Add-on, the BuddyPress plugin and the iReview Theme.

Modules & Feature Highlights

There are so many features and modules in the core package that it's not possible mention all of them here, but we want to bring your attention to where you'll find some of them in the demo.

  • Advanced Filtering: Let users find what they are looking for with this great looking and highly customizable module. You'll find it in the left sidebar on every page of the demo and it can dynamically show the relevant filters for each page.
  • Calendar module: Allows you to display listings in a calendar format by using date custom fields to establish a specific event date or a date period. See the JReviews Events Calendar Module.
  • Business hours: Easily add business hours to any listing with the FormBuilder custom field. See the JReviews business hours feature.
  • Restaurant menu: Easily add a food menu to your restaurant listings with the FormBuilder custom field. See the JReviews Restaurant Menu feature.
  • Recipes: Creating a cookbook or recipe site couldn't be easier with the FormBuilder custom field. See the JReviews Recipes feature.
  • Multiple rating styles and colors: You can set different rating styles and colors for different listing types. View these pages to see the different options: movie page, game page, hotel page.

Add-on Examples

  • MapsPro Add-on: provides maps and proximity search for Business and City Guide listings. On the hotels category you can see a floating map with markers of all listings on the page. On top of the page you can try the Advanced Search Module for location based searches. On a listing detail page you can see a map with streetview and directions search.
  • PaidListings Add-on: perfect solution Classifieds Directory where you can see an example of Pricing Plans. Log in to check the My Account page.
  • WidgetFactory Add-on: create shareable Widgets that anyone can add to their websites. Click on a "Get Code" button next to a widget to try to add it to your website.
  • ListingResources Add-on: used on product listings for affiliate links, and on movie listings for news and critic reviews. The add-on can be used to display latest resources as a menu item and a module (New Deals).


Top Rated Listings

Refreshing, minty salad with a sensational flavor!
The homemade version of fast food breakfast biscuits. You can exchange toppings to...
A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant p...
Small neighborhood restaurant with locations in both the west and the east village...
Right from the start, there’s a lot to love about iPad. It’s simple yet powerful. ...
Use the unique powers of the Angry Birds to destroy the greedy pigs' defenses!

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll lov...
Portal 2 is a unique first-person Action-Puzzle-Platforming game that tests player...
The Redford Theatre, with its historic original 3 manual, 10 rank Barton Theatre P...
Firefly is an contemporary American Restaurant in San Francisco's Noe Valley
Eleven Madison Park expresses the spirit of grand New York dining with executive c...